Solitaire Relax

Category :
Languages : English
Content Rating : 4+
Size : 154MB

Solitaire Relax is a very relaxing and enjoyable app. The app is played exactly how Solitaire is supposed to be played and the app gives clear instructions on how to play the app which is great. A person can definitely play this app for hours on end which is the perfect app to play while sitting in a waiting room at a doctor’s office or playing at your lunch break at work. The app is also great for anyone to play. I know many teens and seniors who would enjoy playing this app. If I could make any changes I would suggest the app could be more challenging so it will keep people wanting to play more. However, the app is definitely a great app and many users will find the app fun to play and easy to use. I also like the features such as the hint feature because it helps you see the cards that what you might not notice while playing which definitely helps. The background music is also very soothing and comforting making the app more enjoyable to play. There is also an Undo feature where you can undo a move you made and other solitaire apps don’t have that option. The background is beautiful and the sound effects are cool but you can also turn them off as well as the music if they bother you. Solitaire is just a fun game and this app will make you love it more and it will keep you busy when you are bored and when you are in the mood to play a fun card game.